Our Global Impact

Our Global Impact

Liquid I.V.®

Our Global Impact

In 2015, Liquid I.V.® US donated 500 servings of its Electrolyte Powder Mix to the Los Angeles Mission shelter to give hydration aid to its unhoused population. This small donation kicked off the Liquid I.V.® US hydration aid and product donation program and from there, it scaled quickly. Today, Liquid I.V.® US partners with some of the world’s leading humanitarian organisations and have distributed over 55 million servings across the United States and over 40 countries. Liquid I.V.® US are committed to donating an additional 150 million servings of Liquid I.V.® by 2032.

Smiling woman washing dishes in her kitchen, using clean running water

Global Water Outreach

Liquid I.V.® US partners with leading water, humanitarian, and community-based organisations to advance innovative solutions that help communities protect their water and their future.​

Two men loading boxes of supplies into a small airplane for delivery

Hydration Aid

At Liquid I.V.®, we support equitable access to clean and abundant water.

Smiling driver sitting in a Dig Deep truck, ready for a delivery

Global Partnerships

We support equitable access to clean and abundant water. Every time you buy Liquid I.V.®, you’re supporting our partnerships and grants to organisations that expand clean water access globally.